Bookkeeping Services

At Many Happy Returns, we take care to provide our customers with high quality services personalized for their unique needs.

We provide a variety of services including:

Weekly Service

Weekly service is for a active “high volume” business with a steady weekly volume that requires current entry updates. Service includes: entering all receipts, invoices, checks & debits. Entering bank statements and miscellaneous expenses.
$ 45. per hour / minimum of 6 hours

Monthly Service

Monthly service is good for an active mid – size business with a steady volume that requires more current entry updates. Service includes: entering all receipts, invoices, checks & debits. Entering bank statements and micellaneous expenses.
$ 45. per hour / minimum 5 hours

Quarterly Service

Quarterly service is good for a small/ mid size business with low / mid volume that doesn’t have many receipts, invoices, etc. Service includes: entering all receipts, invoices, checks & debits.
$ 45. per hour / minimum of 3 hours

Tri-Mester Service

Tri-Mester service is good for very small businesses with lowest volume that doesn’t have many receipts, invoices, etc. Service includes: entering all receipts, invoices, checks & debits.
$ 45. per hour / minimum of 3 hours

Initial Books Setup

New clients Initial Books setup in Quickbooks will range depending upon the complexity of their business.
Range from:
Basic: $125.
Complex: $200.
Converting, if compatable, from existing files: $75.